
Discovering Siwa: Egypt's Serene Oasis

The oasis of Siwa is a serene and captivating destination that combines natural beauty, rich history, and unique cultural heritage. It is situated in the heart of Egypt’s Western Desert, 50 kilometers east of the Egypt–Libya border and 560 kilometers from the Egyptian capital city of Cairo. Far from the hustle and bustle of Egypt’s major cities, Siwa offers a tranquil escape, surrounded by palm groves, salt lakes, and ancient ruins. This remote oasis has captivated explorers, historians, and travelers for centuries, offering a rare glimpse into an ancient way of life that has remained largely unchanged through the ages. It is famed for its role in ancient Egypt as the home to an oracle of Amun, the ruins of which are a popular tourist attraction, giving it the ancient name Oasis of Amun-Ra, after the major Egyptian deity.

The Siwan people have a distinct cultural identity, influenced by Berber, Egyptian, and Bedouin traditions. Siwi, the local language, is a Berber dialect that remains widely spoken alongside Arabic. The community is known for its rich folklore, traditional music, and vibrant handicrafts, including intricate silver jewelry and beautifully woven textiles.

Siwa’s unique architectural style is characterized by the use of kershef, a local building material made from salt and mud. The old town of Shali, with its labyrinthine alleys and crumbling mud-brick structures, offers a fascinating glimpse into the oasis’s past. Although partially destroyed by heavy rains in the 20th century, Shali remains a symbol of Siwa’s enduring heritage. Walking through Shali, visitors can see how the Siwan people adapted their building techniques to their environment, creating structures that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Siwa Oasis is also a major protectorate in Egypt that will charm you with its natural beauty. It houses a variety of fascinating bird species, as well as uncommon animal breeds such as the Dorcas Gazelle, Slender-horned Gazelle, and Striped Hyena. It also supports fox species such as the diminutive Fennec breed and the distinctive Red Fox.

The best time to visit Siwa

The nice climate of Siwa is one of the reasons that helps attract several visitors annually. The weather is almost always fine and the sun never fails to shine. However, there are times of the year in which it can be better to come in than others. It is advisable to visit Siwa in the cooler months of the year, from October to April, as the temperature in summer can be quite hot. These periods offer pleasant weather, allowing you to fully enjoy the natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural richness of this unique destination.

Siwa's Historical Background

Siwa’s history is as deep and mysterious as its lush landscape. The oasis has been inhabited since prehistoric times, serving as a crucial stop for desert caravans and a sanctuary for ancient pilgrims. Its isolation helped preserve its unique culture and traditions, making it a living museum of ancient Egyptian, Berber, and Bedouin influences. Siwa’s rich history includes a visit from Alexander the Great in 331 BC; he came here to consult the Oracle of Amun. Many archaeologists also believe that Siwa may be the final resting place of Alexander the Great, although there is no real archaeological evidence to support this theory. Later the King of Persia attempted to destroy the Oracle by sending an army of 50,000 men.